Build a Tribe not a Following

How to Build a
Mass Movement in 30 Days Without
Thousands of Fans


Implement The 7 Tribal Elements Into Your Writing to Attract Fans and Bolster Your Authority.Enter your email below and I'll send you the guide for free.

The Harsh Reality

1 out of 3 creators on X quit within 30 days after starting.

The rest stick around and waste months writing into an empty void.It’s never been more important to build a mass movement.But before you keep reading, let’s see if this new opportunity is a match for you.- You dream of changing the lives of others but struggle to get your message in front of those who need it.- You engage for hours but still don't get the eyeballs your posts deserve.- You already have an audience, but they don’t “blow up” your posts.- You have followed common advice of “networking” and “consistency” with little results.

Who's Trung?

I’m a writer, podcast host, and audience builder.

I’ve built audiences online for 3+ years.But I was once a nobody who started with 0.

I Failed Tons of Different Business Models:

  • Trading

  • Investing

  • Dropshipping

  • Agency Building

  • Building Theme Pages

All those failures led me to believe one thing.

Being the leader of your own mass movement is paramount.


1. Your Audience is Evergreen

“Build a brand”No.Build a tribe.Your audience is here to stay.When you stick around long enough, your tribe members see your growth.They embrace your perspectives and ideas.They become your backbone and fully trust you to lead them to their dreams.

2. It’s Never Been Easier to Stand Out

90% of the content you see on the timeline is advice.The same messages are shouted again and again.“Network”“Post 3x/day”“Stay consistent”People are bored out of their minds.There’s been no better time for you to strike.

3. People are begging to be Led

Leaders are rare.But there are millions who want to be led.The imbalance has never been larger.They crave someone to get behind.They crave someone who understands them.They crave someone who views them more than a statistic.This is where you step in.

What People Are Saying

The Future of Content

The Little Known Trick to Build A Mass Movement

I started posting on X at the start of August.I was previously on Instagram for a year. All I posted was productivity advice.I reached 1.8K fans, but nobody cared. I got no likes or comments.I switched up my strategy when I started X.Instead of writing advice, I wrote about myself.The result?X fans in X days.• A tribe who craves my content.Flooded DMs begging for calls.• Replies asking for my advice and knowledge.All from talking about who I am.With my process, you can attract tribe members and enhance your authority just by writing about yourself.This is what we’ll dive into with each of The 7 Tribal Elements.

Ready to Start?

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Introducing: Tribe Building Mastery

Build a Mass Movement without Needing Thousands of Fans.

Here is what you’ll get:

The 7 Tribal Elements

People don’t care about advice anymore.This new age audience cares about who’s giving them advice.They want fresh perspectives.Someone they can look up to.Shoving bland advice down their throat won’t build you a tribe.The forecast predicts creators who connects emotionally with their audiences will outlast those who chase clicks.How can you leap ahead before everyone else?

The 7 Tribal Elements

  • Write tweets that leave people scrambling for applications to join your tribe.

  • Create your own mass-movement without needing thousands of fans.

  • Weaponize the type of writing that leaves your posts on top of your tribe’s “for you page”.


The Laboratory Content Template

You might be thinking, “Another Notion template?”No.Unlike other creators, I’m a Notion nerd.I’ve used Notion for 400+ days.I’ve built 30+ templates for my personal use.The Laboratory Content Template does 3 things:- Acts as your content calendar
- Acts as your organized idea bank
- Acts as your productive work station
All on one page.No 10 page templates.No confusing systems.Everything you need to reduce the friction between idea creation and writing.

Evergreen Tribal Leader Hooks

Hooks have been overcomplicated.There’s a new “hook formula” every week.It’s time to get back to the basics.I give you my best 20 hooks that were crafted specifically for tribe building content.These hooks add a fresh element to the timeline.They put you at the center of attention.You stand out among all the cloudy advice.

My Swipefile of High Performing Tweets

My first two months on X were a whirlpool.I tried everything to get eyeballs.I’ve spent 20+ hours tweaking and experimenting with my content.After all that time, I know what works and what doesn’t.To save you weeks of wasted time…I put together all of my best tweets into a swipefile for you to aid your creation process.In it, you’ll find surefire posts that are built for one reason:To attract hungry tribe members.